Bleach Lozenge Inserts for
Periodontal troubles
What's the first thing people notice about you when you meet them? If you're a lady it's those sweater puppies you're smuggling. But right after your chest, it's your smile! But if your smile isn't up to snuff, whether from coffee stains or pounding bathtub energy drinks, you've gotta try BLIP.
BLIP will find those stains where they're hiding and smoke 'em out with the brightening surfectant power of liquid bleach. Just like our boys did in Vietnam.
You should smile more! And BLIP will help make that happen!
The Cleansing Power of Bleach
Put us in your mouth already!
We're almost cleared by the FDA for over the counter sales. We just have to file the paperwork to start the process and probably hire a lawyer and then we assume Boom, we're done. But nothing says we can't just do a deal between the two of us without that pesky government getting in the way. You don't mind using an untraceable currency like bitcoin do you?